
MTO Studying Conceptual Design Of Barnsdale-416 Interchange

The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) is undertaking a Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the conceptual design of a new interchange around the intersection of Highway 416 and Barnsdale Road.

Morrison Hershfield Limited was retained by the MTO to complete the Preliminary Design and Class EA Study for this assignment. Reasonable alternatives to address the required improvements will be developed and evaluated leading to the selection of the Preliminary Preferred Alternative(s) and a Recommended Plan for the interchange.

This Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study involves the conceptual design of a new interchange around the intersection of Highway 416 and Barnsdale Road in the City of Ottawa. Currently, an overpass carries traffic east-west along Barnsdale Road, over Highway 416. The intersection’s current configuration does not allow for any entry to, or exit from, Highway 416.

The proposed interchange improvements are to occur to Highway 416, which are intended to accommodate movements in all directions, and to address increased traffic demands, and operational and safety concerns. As such, it is classified as a Group B Project under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000).

The purpose of the Class EA Study is to identify a Recommended Plan for a new interchange as part of the Ministry’s ongoing review of safety and operational needs for the provincial highway network. The proposed (new) interchange would accommodate traffic movements in all directions by providing entry and exit from both the northbound and southbound lanes of Highway 416, and is intended to address increased traffic demands, and operational and safety concerns.

The details of the proposed work will be further developed as the Preliminary Design progresses and will be presented to the general public, Indigenous Communities, provincial and other external agencies, Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs), municipalities, emergency services providers (i.e., fire, police and ambulance), local businesses and property owners, interest groups and utility companies (collectively referred to as interested and / or affected stakeholders) at a future Public Information Centre (PIC). The first PIC was made available on April 8, 2022. Details regarding the timing of a second PIC will be announced on a future date.

The City of Ottawa approached the Ministry with a conceptual design of an interchange at the Barnsdale Road intersection of Highway 416, which necessitated a Geometric Feasibility Study to develop and evaluate interchange alternatives based on two-dimensional geometric design elements outlined in the TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (June 2017) and the MTO Design Supplement for TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (June 2017). The Ministry will collaborate with the City of Ottawa in this Study to assess interim and ultimate design alternatives and establish the footprints for an efficient design of the interchange. The Preliminary Design Study results will inform the phasing and implementation of future Detail Design and construction work.

The Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study will be carried out in accordance with the approved environmental planning process for Group B Projects under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000). A Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) will be prepared to document the development of the Preliminary Design, including the environmentally significant aspects of the planning and design of the Recommended Plan.

The TESR will be prepared as part of the Preliminary Design to document the Class EA process, including but not limited to the challenge/opportunity, the project and its purpose, the analysis/evaluation of Preliminary Design Alternatives to address the challenge/opportunity, the existing natural, socio-economic, cultural and technical conditions within the Study Area (including any constraints), development of the Recommended Plan including its major features, the consultation process and results, the anticipated environmental impacts, mitigation and protection measures that will be implemented, future consultation activities, and commitments to further work.