Farmland at Fallowfield and Shea to be rezoned to allow for residential dwellings
From the Manotick Messenger
The City of Ottawa’s Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Committee is supporting the rezoning of a piece of farmland at Fallowfield Road near Shea Road, just north of Richmond and west of Barrhaven.
The property is approximately 40.25 hectares in size and is currently used as cropland. The property is surrounded by parcels with similar agricultural uses along Fallowfield Road. It currently has a detached dwelling and accessory structures which have frontage along Fallowfield Road.
This Zoning By-law amendment will affect approximately 39 hectares of agricultural land. This Zoning By-law amendment to rezone the remnant agricultural lands from AG to AG5 fulfills a condition relating to the approval of surplus farm dwelling severance application heard by the Committee of Adjustment. Staff had no concerns with the severance application and have determined that the proposed rezoning is consistent with the Official Plan.
No new development is proposed at this time, but the intent of the rezoning was to allow for future residential dwellings.
The zoning application was brought to the city’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee last Thursday by Jeff Shipman on behalf of 1230831 Ontario Inc.
The lands to which the proposed Zoning By-law amendment applies were the subject of an application for a surplus farm dwelling severance. The severance request was granted by the Committee of Adjustment on September 18, 2019 with a condition that the owner rezone the retained farmland to prohibit residential development.
The site is currently zoned Agricultural Zone (AG). It is proposed to rezone approximately 39 hectares of farmland to prohibit future residential use in accordance with a condition of severance. The remaining land area of approximately 1.25 hectares will remain zoned Agricultural Zone (AG).
Notification and public consultation were undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments. No concerns were identified.
The property is designated Agricultural Resource Area as per Schedule A of the Official Plan. This designation protects prime agricultural areas from loss of lands to other uses. Severances are permitted for a surplus dwelling due to farm consolidation. The city’s Official Plan requires the vacant agricultural parcel be rezoned to prohibit any future residential use, and stipulates that the size of the severed lot be a size that minimizes the loss of agricultural lands. This Zoning By-law amendment application satisfies the requirements of the Official Plan as conditioned by the Committee of Adjustment.
Staff have reviewed this proposal and have determined that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.
This Zoning By-law amendment restricts new residential development and prevents the loss of agricultural land to other competing uses. This Zoning By-law amendment protects the rural landscape by supporting the continued productive use of agricultural lands.