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ARAC approves rezoning for housing development on King Street in Richmond

The property at 11 King St. in Richmond is being rezoned to accommodate a housing development.

From the Manotick Messenger

Ottawa’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee has approved rezoning which will allow for the  construction of semi-detached homes on King Street in the Village of Richmond.

The owner of the land is the Toscano Land Corp., while the Stirling Group was the applicant for the zoning change.

The property is located on the west side of King Street, approximately 75 metres south of Perth Street, in the village of Richmond.  The property is bound on the west side by Cockburn Street, to the east by King Street and to the south by an unopened portion of Christopher Hamilton Street. The property is currently vacant and located within an area of predominantly single detached homes. Two commercial properties are located to the north of the property with frontage along Perth Street.

The land to be rezoned consists of approximately 1.6 hectares, with approximately 120 metres of frontage on King Street, 125 metres of frontage on Perth Street, and 130 metres on the unopened portion of Christopher Hamilton Street.

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to accommodate a draft for 24 semi-detached units and one detached dwelling. The proposed amendment removes a small portion of the Village Residential Employment Overlay which encroaches onto the Subject Property through a mapping error. The rural special exception to amend the zone provisions are as follows:

• minimum lot width for a semi-detached dwelling unit of 9.0 metres, rather than the 10 metres currently required;

• minimum corner side yard setback of 3.0 metres, rather than the 6.0 metres currently required;

• minimum rear yard setback of 10.0 metres, rather than the 6.0 metres currently required.

A public information package was mailed to property owners with properties within 120 metres of 11 King Street, various Community Associations, and Councillor Glenn Brooks (former Rideau-Goulbourn ward Councillor) in March of 2010. In addition, a development sign was posted on the property. 

A public meeting was held for the subdivision application, associated with the rezoning, on February 15, 2012 at the Richmond Community Centre, at which the proposed subdivision was presented and discussed. City staff, representatives from Toscano Land Corp. and Councillor Scott Moffatt were present at the public meeting.

The Richmond Village Community Association and six members of the public provided comments and/or concerns. Some of the six members of the public who had commented on the Zoning application also attended the public meeting for the Plan of Subdivision and/or provided similar comments and concerns for the subdivision application. 

Further circulation was sent out on August 2018 and June 2019, to those who previously commented in relation to either the Subdivision or Zoning By-law Amendment applications to outline changes to the proposed draft plan. Changes from the original Concept Plan include moving to a public water supply by connecting the proposed development to the Kings Park Communal Well, as well as changing the unit type and count from 40 semi-detached dwellings units to 26 semi-detached dwelling units and 20 townhouse dwelling units. No additional circulation was made when the applicant reverted to a private water proposal and to a complete semi-detached proposal. 

Through the Subdivision application, it has been demonstrated that there is sufficient water quantity to support the proposed development with private water services, and that the development will not impact water quality of the aquifer. Wells are proposed in the rear yards of the lots, with access to the wells by means of a 6-metre rear yard easement over the unopened Christopher Hamilton right-of-way. While Block one was initially proposed as a semidetached dwelling, through discussion with the applicant, a detached dwelling will be built on this block in order to accommodate access to the rear yard well.

The property is currently dual zoned to permit a variety of residential uses, including single detached, semi detached and townhouse dwelling units. The proposed zoning by-law amendment balances the density of the property by proposing 24 semi-detached dwellings units and one detached dwelling. The reduced lot width of nine metres (from 10 metres required) contributes to a proposed built form which supports the intensification of the Village of Richmond by increasing the density of the larger neighbourhood, while offering adequate transition to the adjacent Village Core designation along Perth Street, to the north. Due to the proximity to the Village Core, the development encourages active transportation and supports the businesses on Perth Street. 

In relation to sanitary and water services, the proponent has demonstrated that the proposed development can be serviced by the municipal sewer system, and by private well water service.

The zoning by-law amendment implements the policies of the Secondary Plan and reflects the built form proposed in the Community Design Plan. Staff have reviewed this proposal and have determined that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement of 2014 and 2020.

Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department supports this Zoning By-law amendment because it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and meets the intent of the City’s Official Plan.